New product alert! All Purpose Gluten Free Flour – Summer Hill Pantry

New product alert! All Purpose Gluten Free Flour

All Purpose Gluten Free Wholefood Baking Flour

I’m not a big one for new year resolutions – anytime is a great time to start healthy eating! Having said this, we have been inundated with requests from lovers of our bake mixes to release our gut friendly flour blend for all your other baking needs.

So what better time than now to let you know, it is now available?! All your plans for a healthier 2019 just got easier 😊

Our All Purpose Gluten Free Flour is a blend of nutritious, wholefood, minimally processed flours and is packed with nutrients and prebiotic fibre.

This all Australian blend of stone ground sorghum, sunflower seeds, brown rice, chia seed and chickpeas is naturally free of gluten and is packed with gut friendly prebiotic fibres. It is also a rich source of protein, iron, zinc, Vitamin E, B vitamins and antioxidants. A combination of high protein and dietary fibres slows digestion of complex carbohydrates for a sustained energy release.Β 

This blend contains no highly refined flours or starches and has a mild but delicious, slightly nutty taste. Perfectly suitable for sweet and savoury recipes! Makes great pizza base, bread, savoury muffins, cakes, biscuits and PERFECT GF pancakes. Use it to replace regular flour cup for cup for all your baking needs.

We will be rolling out a few recipes over the coming weeks, but to get you started check out the recipe page for some savoury muffins, packed with veges! Β 

The flour is available in a 475g jar, or for keen bakers a 1kg bio bag. Both have the recipe for Perfect Gluten Free Pancakes on the label so it’s always handy 😊

The 475g jar is included in our Kids in the Kitchen School Holiday Baking Packs – make perfect pancakes for a fun nutritious breakfast and get the kids involved!
