Ginger Cinnamon Christmas Cookies – Summer Hill Pantry

Ginger Cinnamon Christmas Cookies

Gluten Free Wholefood Healthy Ginger Cinnamon Christmas Cookies

Bake up a tray of these perfect little Christmas cookies - a delicious and nutritious handmade gift, Christmas party plate or little snack to leave out for Santa.  

You will need:

400g Summer Hill Pantry Cinnamon Cake Mix
175g Butter
1 1/2 - 2 teaspoons ginger powder. For a real zing try adding 1 - 2 teaspoon of fresh grated ginger!


Preheat oven to 170C. Cover a baking tray with paper.
Melt butter. Stir in 400g Summer Hill Pantry Cinnamon Cake Mix and ginger powder. Mix until it forms a crumb.
Press or roll out to 1cm thick slab and cut with Christmas cookie cutters.
Transfer to baking tray tray and bake for 10 – 12 minutes.
Allow to cool before removing from tray. 
